Office Hours

Instructor Office Hours

Now every Thursday at 9AM MST (unless we are all teaching!) Drop in for 5 minutes, or stay the whole time. Bring questions, talk tech or just hang out with our expert instructors and other peers in a relaxed, non-structured environment.

Next Office Hours:

Thursday Mar 13
9:00 – 11:30 MST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 7074 4864
Passcode: 536963

Add To Calendar

What to Expect:
Casual Conversations: Explore tech topics, share ideas, and get your questions answered without the pressure of a formal class.

Expert Access: Chat with instructors who host sessions tuned to the classes they teach, offering unique insights and guidance.

Community Engagement: Connect with past and current students, exchange knowledge, and build your network or simply log in and cowork.

Who Can Join?
Office Hours are open to everyone! Whether you’re a current student, a past participant, or just passionate about technology, you’re welcome to join.

How It Works
Click the link above at the time and date of the session, and you’ll enter the Zoom meeting. No prep, no pressure-just an open space to learn and grow.